Coughlin Ford of Heath

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Nov 17, 2023
Ford battery.

Your car’s battery is like its heart: it keeps everything running smoothly and ensures you can start its engine whenever you need to. However, just like any other car part, batteries wear out over time. It’s important to recognize the signs that your Ford might need a new car battery before it leaves you stranded. Here are some signs it might be time to head to the Ford dealership to replace your car battery.

1. Slow Engine Crank

When you turn the key or push the start button, your engine should roar to life almost instantly. If you notice that your Ford is taking longer than usual to start, or the engine is cranking slowly, it could be a sign that your battery is on its way out. The battery provides the necessary power to start the engine, but as it ages, it loses its ability to hold a charge, resulting in a slower start.

2. Dimming Lights and Electrical Issues

The battery powers all the electrical components in your car, from the headlights to the radio. If you notice that your lights are dimmer than usual, or if other electrical components are not working correctly, it could be an indication that your battery is losing its charge. When the battery is weak, it struggles to supply the necessary power to all the car’s electrical systems, leading to diminished performance.

3. The “Check Engine” or Battery Light is On

Most Fords come equipped with a battery warning light on the dashboard, which illuminates if the battery is not charging properly. Additionally, a weak battery might trigger the “Check Engine” light. If either of these lights comes on, it’s important to get your battery tested as soon as possible to determine if it needs to be replaced.

4. A Swollen Battery Case

The battery case should always be in good condition. If you notice that it is swollen or bloated, it’s a clear sign that the battery has gone bad. This can happen when your battery is exposed to excessive heat, causing the internal parts to expand. This not only diminishes the battery’s performance but can also be dangerous if not addressed promptly.

Get Help at Your Ford Dealership

Keeping an eye on your car’s battery can save you from the hassle of getting stranded. Regular maintenance and battery checks at the dealership can help ensure that your Ford always has the power it needs to keep you on the move.

If you have noticed any trouble with your car’s battery, don’t hesitate to get it checked. Remember, a healthy battery means a happy Ford and a reliable ride for you. Call Coughlin Ford of Heath and schedule a battery check today!